News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20200528

Published: 28/05/2020

New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: Price is now automatically changed based on exchange rates.
[Cloud Server] Added: Option to create default bridge mapping for private lists.
[Cloud Server] Added: Option to use external bandwidth monitoring app for bandwidth usage data and graphs.
[WebSpace] Added: New WebSpace plans that comes with backup service for Web site, email and database
[Sync Server] New: This is a new service that allow large files transfer and large storage at low cost.

Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Invoice tax is set to 0 after edit if it includes non-taxed items
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Unable to issue invoices manually.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Removing domain from cart leaves empty line in some cases.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Credit amount is not visible on the invoice page
[SuperScaler] Fixed: PTR records are added to wrong zone
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Attach iso widget layout is broken on some templates.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Bandwidth usage displays GB/TB but is calculated in GiB/TiB.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Interfaces do not show show Vlan tags.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Provisioning assigns private IP instead of public IP.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Unable to assign IPs from client IPAM list if public IP limit is reached.
[WebSpace] Fixed: Access widget does not work when WHM is used as a secondary module.
[WebSpace] Fixed: Issues with api connection.
[Affiliates] Fixed: It is not possible to use coupons created by affiliates to buy domains

[Cloud Server] Windows Server with Sophos Server Protection template is being removed. Sophos Server Protection is now a separate product to be subscribed separately.